Thursday, December 28, 2006

The New Seven Wonders

Was reading Sunday newspaper on Tuesday night, long weekends holiday almost made me stay away from what happening in this world… skipping all the national tedious politics news… am more interested on the weekly travel reviews…

‘New 7 Wonders’ ???!! okay… this sounds a bit more interesting to read on… huh?! I couldn’t even name out the ancient 7 wonders of the world while I was proud of scoring an A in geography for my SPM… what a shame…

'The New 7 Wonders of the World will be announced during the Official Declaration ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal on Saturday, July 7, 2007 - 07.07.07. … and it’s open for voting since n years back … isn’t it good to at least have something contributed to the world before we die with no names? Alright, perhaps it’s time to become part of the history…

After spending hours on the website, finally made up my choice to Machu Picchu (1460-1470) – a city situated in the clouds on the mountain in Peru… Reason why I rather pay up 2 US dollars to vote for it, just because of its mystery location which was once lost for 3 centuries deep in the Amazon jungle and was only found in year 1911. Sounds good enough to be my fantasy land, imagine only with the good people to live, no financial worries, no work stress… everybody live happily ever after… muahahahaha… there’ll be no king, nobody rules, no one will fight for anything… impossible? that’s why only the good ppl could stay...

- Machu Piccu, Peru

- On top of the moutain, above Urubamba River, Amazon Jungle.

- Isn't it looks cool to be my fantasy land?! ; )

Friday, December 08, 2006

wHo nEeds PupPy?

The idea of getting a puppy comes out in my mind again n again recently…

Been browsing around websites, pet shops, talking to friends … n yet am not sure what actually pushing me desperately to get a pet at this time. Lonely? Come on, those who knows me knows that I can’t live alone - without a girl friend or the gang to hang out on Friday night…

Unconditional love?? A dog can be a good listener, that they’d never share w anyone else, neither would give u a single comment! yeah, who needs extra comments at this time?

A good Christmas present for girlfriend maybe? A new puppy would nurse back her soring memories of loosing the old one? Okay, sounds good to condone myself getting a puppy? Wait a minute... would that be a serious commitment at the same time? What if, I mean what if the relationship doesn’t work out? Who would be the foster parent instead? A normal dog could live up to 10 years of age, unless someone would guarantee a no break-up relationship for at least 10 years…

Keeping a pet is sort of like taking care a child, it offers up responsibilities as a father??! Huh? I don’t even give a damn to clean up my room once a full moon, would it be getting a dog sounds a saddle to me?...

Perhaps i should hold back and give a deep thought about it again just to make sure there won’t be another abandoned dog on the street… Alas…